
The OP Stack is a flexible platform with various configuration values that you can tweak to fit your specific needs. If you’re looking to fine-tune your deployment, look no further.

🚧 Work in Progress

OP Stack configuration is an active work in progress and will likely evolve significantly as time goes on. If something isn’t working with your configuration, check back with this page to see if anything has changed.

# New Blockchain Configuration

New OP Stack blockchains are currently configured with a JSON file inside the Optimism repository. The file is <optimism repository>/packages/contracts-bedrock/deploy-config/<chain name>.json. For example, this is the configuration file for the tutorial blockchain (opens new window).

# Admin accounts

Key Type Description Default / Recommended value
finalSystemOwner L1 Address Address that will own all ownable contracts on L1 once the deployment is finished, including the ProxyAdmin contract. It is recommended to have a single admin account to retain a common security model.
controller L1 Address Address that will own the SystemDictator contract and can therefore control the flow of the deployment or upgrade. It is recommended to have a single admin account to retain a common security model.
proxyAdminOwner L2 Address Address that will own the ProxyAdmin contract on L2. The L2 ProxyAdmin contract owns all of the Proxy contracts for every predeployed contract in the range 0x42...0000 to 0x42..2048. This makes predeployed contracts easily upgradeable. It is recommended to have a single admin account to retain a common security model.

# Fee recipients

Key Type Description Default value
baseFeeVaultRecipient L1 or L2 Address Address that the base fees from all transactions on the L2 can be withdrawn to. It is recommended to have a single admin account to retain a common security model.
l1FeeVaultRecipient L1 or L2 Address Address that the L1 data fees from all transactions on the L2 can be withdrawn to. It is recommended to have a single admin account to retain a common security model.
sequencerFeeVaultRecipient L1 or L2 Address Address that the tip fees from all transactions on the L2 can be withdrawn to. It is recommended to have a single admin account to retain a common security model.

# Minimum Fee Withdrawal Amounts

Key Type Description Default value
baseFeeVaultMinimumWithdrawalAmount Number in wei The minimum amount of funds the BaseFeeVault contract must have for a fee withdrawal. 10 ether
l1FeeVaultMinimumWithdrawalAmount Number in wei The minimum amount of funds the L1FeeVault contract must have for a fee withdrawal. 10 ether
sequencerFeeVaultWithdrawalAmount Number in wei The minimum amount of funds the SequencerFeeVault contract must have for a fee withdrawal. 10 ether

# Withdrawal Network

Key Type Description Default value
baseFeeVaultWithdrawalNetwork Number representing network enum A value of 0 will withdraw funds to the recipient address on L1 and a value of 1 will withdraw funds to the recipient address on L2.
l1FeeVaultWithdrawalNetwork Number representing network enum A value of 0 will withdraw funds to the recipient address on L1 and a value of 1 will withdraw funds to the recipient address on L2.
sequencerFeeVaultWithdrawalNetwork Number representing network enum A value of 0 will withdraw funds to the recipient address on L1 and a value of 1 will withdraw funds to the recipient address on L2.

# Misc.

Key Type Description Default value
numDeployConfirmations Number of blocks Number of confirmations to wait when deploying smart contracts to L1. 1
l1StartingBlockTag Block hash Block tag for the L1 block where the L2 chain will begin syncing from. Generally recommended to use a finalized block to avoid issues with reorgs.
l1ChainID Number Chain ID of the L1 chain. 1 for L1 Ethereum mainnet,
5 for the Goerli test network.
See here for other blockchains (opens new window).
l2ChainID Number Chain ID of the L2 chain. 42069

# Blocks

These fields apply to L2 blocks: Their timing, when do they need to be written to L1, and how they get written.

Key Type Description Default value
l2BlockTime Number of seconds Number of seconds between each L2 block. Must be <= L1 block time (12 on mainnet and Goerli) 2
maxSequencerDrift Number of seconds How far the L2 timestamp can differ from the actual L1 timestamp 600 (10 minutes)
sequencerWindowSize Number of blocks Maximum number of L1 blocks that a Sequencer can wait to incorporate the information in a specific L1 block. For example, if the window is 10 then the information in L1 block n must be incorporated by L1 block n+10. 3600 (12 hours)
channelTimeout Number of blocks Maximum number of L1 blocks that a transaction channel frame can be considered valid. A transaction channel frame is a chunk of a compressed batch of transactions. After the timeout, the frame is dropped. 300 (1 hour)
p2pSequencerAddress L1 Address Address of the key that the Sequencer uses to sign blocks on the p2p network. Sequencer, an address for which you own the private key
batchInboxAddress L1 Address Address that Sequencer transaction batches are sent to on L1. 0xff00…0042069
batchSenderAddress L1 Address Address of the account that nodes will filter for when searching for Sequencer transaction batches being sent to the batchInboxAddress. Can be updated later via the SystemConfig contract on L1. Batcher, an address for which you own the private key

# Proposal fields

These fields apply to output root proposals.

Key Type Description Default value
l2OutputOracleStartingBlockNumber Number Block number of the first OP Stack block. Typically this should be zero, but this may be non-zero for networks that have been upgraded from a legacy system (like Optimism Mainnet). Will be removed with the addition of permissionless proposals. 0
l2OutputOracleStartingTimestamp Number Timestamp of the first OP Stack block. This MUST be the timestamp corresponding to the block defined by the l1StartingBlockTag. Will be removed with the addition of permissionless proposals.
l2OutputOracleSubmissionInterval Number of blocks Number of blocks between proposals to the L2OutputOracle. Will be removed with the addition of permissionless proposals. 120 (24 minutes)
finalizationPeriodSeconds Number of seconds Number of seconds that a proposal must be available to challenge before it is considered finalized by the OptimismPortal contract. We recommend 12 on test networks, seven days on production ones
l2OutputOracleProposer L1 Address Address that is allowed to submit output proposals to the L2OutputOracle contract. Will be removed when we have permissionless proposals.
l2OutputOracleChallenger L1 Address Address that is allowed to challenge output proposals submitted to the L2OutputOracle. Will be removed when we have permissionless challenges. It is recommended to have a single admin account to retain a common security model.

# L1 data fee

These fields apply to the cost of the L1 data fee (opens new window) for L2 transactions.

Key Type Description Default value
gasPriceOracleOverhead Number Fixed L1 gas overhead per transaction. Default value will likely be adjusted with more information from the Optimism Goerli deployment. 2100
gasPriceOracleScalar Number Dynamic L1 gas overhead per transaction, given in 6 decimals. Default value of 1000000 implies a dynamic gas overhead of exactly 1x (no overhead). 1000000

# EIP 1559 gas algorithm

These fields apply to the EIP 1559 algorithm (opens new window) used for the L2 execution costs (opens new window) of transactions on the blockchain.

Key Type Description Default value Value on L1 Ethereum
eip1559Denominator Number Denominator used for the EIP1559 gas pricing mechanism on L2 (opens new window). A larger denominator decreases the amount by which the base fee can change in a single block. 50 8
eip1559Elasticity Number Elasticity for the EIP1559 gas pricing mechanism on L2 (opens new window). A larger elasticity increases the maximum allowable gas limit per block. 10 2
l2GenesisBlockGasLimit String Initial block gas limit, represented as a hex string. Default is 25m, implying a 2.5m target when combined with a 10x elasticity. 0x17D7840
l2GenesisBlockBaseFeePerGas String Initial base fee, used to avoid an unstable EIP1559 calculation out of the gate. Initial value is 1 gwei. 0x3b9aca00

# Governance token

The governance token is a side-effect of use of the OP Stack in the Optimism Mainnet network. It may not be included by default in future releases.

Key Type Description Default value
governanceTokenOwner L2 Address Address that will own the token contract deployed by default to every OP Stack based chain.
governanceTokenSymbol String Symbol for the token deployed by default to each OP Stack chain. OP
governanceTokenName String Name for the token deployed by default to each OP Stack chain. Optimism